Pecha Kucha Night @ the Kent

I committed to sharing my work at the PK Night last week. Going into it, I felt really good about the way my slides flowed and I worked hard to fit what I wanted to say into the PK format: 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. I was 5th in line to present and after really enjoying the funny, light-hearted, off-the-cuff nature of the first four presenters, I realized that I was the girl taking myself way too seriously. The realization made me very nervous and I got a bit choked up. Perhaps this was not the best format for an over arching thesis of my work, but I did it and wanted to share because it says all the things I’ve ever wanted to say in an artist statement in a way that I think will be accessible to more people. Click here to see the video.


One thought on “Pecha Kucha Night @ the Kent

  1. Thank you for sharing your vision and experience, Jessica. Your work and technique around the maps of and all around us remain fascinating and closely aligned to my explorations and work as a”Cartographer of the Unseen” through The Poartry Project.

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